Who is Bethlehem?
Bethlehem is a gospel centered, multi generational church that affiliates with the Southern Baptist Convention. Since 1899, we have been engaged in making disciples by obeying the great commission and loving our community with the truth of Jesus Christ. We are accomplishing this by living out four distinct purposes:
Purpose #1 - Gather
The church has always gathered for two reasons. Corporate worship and genuine fellowship. Gathering for worship nurtures our relationship with God as we bless Him and hear from His word. Gathering for fellowship in small groups connects us with each other for encouragement and partnership in the gospel.
Purpose #2 - Grow
Spiritual growth is an expectation of walking with Christ. Two of the most powerful ways God grows us is through time with Him daily and time with others in discipleship.
Purpose #3 - Give
Jesus made it clear, “It is more blessed to give than receive.” We give in two ways as Christ followers at Bethlehem. We give of our time as servants by doing ministry side by side. We give our treasure (money/resources) as stewards of what God has so graciously provided in our life.
Purpose #4 - Go
The gospel is not a “come see” religion. It is a “go tell” message of redemption! We are called to go into the world and make disciples and we do this primarily in two ways. We share our faith daily with those around us. We also leave our daily life to engage those we don’t normally encounter (missions).
We invite you to come and experience this wonderful faith family we call Bethlehem! We hope to see you soon!

- Small Groups Ministry
- Child Development Center Ministry
- Children's Ministry
- VBS Ministry
- Youth Ministry
- Young Adult Ministry
- Senior Adult Ministry
- Worship Ministry
- Outreach Ministry
- Men's Ministry
- Women's Ministry
- Backpack Ministry (feeding children at school)
- Recreation Ministry (Softball & Flag Football)
- Faith Riders (Motorcycle Ministry)
- Fishing Ministry
- Operation Christmas Child Ministry
- Missions Ministry
- Northeastern Baptist College (Bennington, VT) Ministry