Love, Joy, Peace...
Programming Design and Goals 
The “Abeka” curriculum is based on Christian teachings and values and has been used by Bethlehem Child Development Center since its opening. It includes numerous “hands-on” activities. We begin teaching Abeka at K2 and teach it through K4. 
Our Program provides services to parents desiring Christian preschool education during the morning hours, as well as to parents needing care for the entire day. In designing our program structure, we believe that it is best to provide children with age appropriate learning experiences. 
During the morning hours of the day, our classes have a more structured, academic schedule while afternoon classes are more play-oriented. Our structured classes continue from August/September to May/June. Our seasonal activities are from June to August. Though daycare hours will not change, the Program options will change. Parents will be notified of these changes well in advance. 
Our trained faculty seeks to meet the interests and needs of each child and to provide for the growth of the child according to his/her ability in all areas of personality development: 
Tuition & Fees 
ALL tuition is due in advance on Friday morning for the following week. A $10.00 late fee may be applied to accounts not paid by Tuesday of the same week. 
Registration fee is due at the time of registration and by August 1st each year. This covers any BCDC Preschool Program within the year. Payment arrangements may be made by contacting the Center Office. All registration fees are non-refundable. 
Registration: $175.00 per year 
School Age Registration: $150.00 per year 
Full-time Tuition: $150.00 per week 
Part Time Tuition: $75.00 per week (plus 10 extra hours at $6.00/hour or .10/minute) 
After School: $45.00 per week 
School Age Out: $150.00 per week or $30 per day (3 days or more is considered full time) 
School Age Summer Program: $90 per week & $60 activity fee per week 
Late Fee: $10.00 
Curriculum fees are due at the time of registration and no later than August 1st of the school year. This covers supplies & workshops. All curriculum fees are non-refundable. 
K-1: $40.00 per year 
K-2: $60.00 per year 
K-3: $80.00 per year 
K-4: $120.00 per year 
*Curriculum rates effective May 31, 2023. 
Multi-Children Discounts: Second child & subsequent children receive a $15.00 per week discount. 
Hours of Operation 
Monday: 6:30am - 5:30pm 
Tuesday: 6:30am - 5:30pm 
Wednesday: 6:30am - 5:30pm 
Thursday: 6:30am - 5:30pm 
Friday: 6:30am - 5:30pm 
A Typical Day in the Program 
1. Breakfast and Play : 6:30am - 7:45am 
2. Free Play : 7:45am - 8:25am 
3. Structured Learning Time : 8:30am - 11:30am 
4. Learning Through Play : 1:45pm - 5:30pm 
Meals Provided 
1. Breakfast : 6:30am - 7:45am 
2. Morning Snack Time : 9:15am 
3. Lunch : 11:00am - 11:30am 
4. Afternoon Snack Time : 2:00pm 
Arrivals and Departures 
Dropping off will be done by the parent/guardian by bringing the child in to the Center’s Commons room, and checking them in . If they are dropped off before 7:45am, parents will drop them off in the Commons room. If the children are dropped off after 7:45am, parents must accompany them to their classroom. 
* With respect to naptime, we ask that all drop-offs be prior to 11:00am or after 2pm. 
* Please be prompt in picking up your child at the end of each day. A late fee of $4.50 per minute will accrue after 5:30pm. 
Daily Nap Time 
All children 5 years old and younger will be required to take a rest time. All children will use similar mats and pillows for naps. Mats may be purchased from the Center for a small fee. Parents will own and maintain these mats.
*Picking up children will be done from the right of the Center. Please park in designated parking spot and do not block the driveways or the mail box. Parent parking is available in between the Church building and the Center’s building. 
A two-week notice will be required for withdrawal from the program. Two weeks tuition is due. 
Changing Status Within Our Program 
A two-week notice is required for changing a child’s status within the Program. Example: Part-time to Full-time or Full-time to Part-time. 
* When a notice is given, there is not a guarantee of your child retuning to their former status. 
Chapel will be held once a week on Thursdays in the church sanctuary at Bethlehem. The program will consist of Bible stories, Christian principles, prayer time and Bible songs. Chapel begins promptly at 8:30am.
Download our Handbook & Enrollment forms.

For More information, please contact us:





Bethlehem Child Development Center

416 Bethlehem Rd.

Midland City, AL 36350